Clean Aviation EU Project


    Image Film, 6 x 5 min

  • YEAR



    Full Production, Animation


The Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking is the European Union’s leading research and innovation programme for transforming aviation towards a sustainable and climate-neutral future. It is a European public-private partnership.

The Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking has the objectives to integrate and demonstrate disruptive aircraft technological innovations to decrease net emissions of greenhouse gases by no less than 30 % compared to 2020 state-of-the-art technology to support the European Green Deal and climate neutrality by 2050.  It aims to ensure that the technological and the potential industrial readiness of innovations can support the launch of disruptive new products and services for an entry-into-service by 2035, enabling 75% of the world’s civil aviation fleet to be replaced by 2050 in support of the European Green Deal.

The aircraft developed will enable net CO2 reductions of up to 90% when combined with the effect of Sustainable Aviation Fuels, or zero CO2 emissions in flight when using hydrogen as energy source.



We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our productions or services.

Let’s Talk About Your Project

We’re eager to hear from you about any project where our experienced team can help. Our working language is both in English and German. Let us know if you need a quote, or a company looking for a production partner on your next video. Submitting unrepresented scripts or story ideas will not be accepted.

Write Us

Email messages, requests, and submissions, please write us in English or German anytime and will respond asap.


Join Our Team

We employ freelance professionals of all kinds, and are open to internships. Send us your resume and reach out today.


Sweetwood Films, Studio
Kreativhaus RZ
Dortustr. 46
3rd Floor. 343-344
14467 Potsdam


+(49) 0160 9386 2920
